Monday, May 27, 2013

Spectrum Seedlings

They're sprouting up in the garden, so they must be seedlings, right?

This is a kit from Lunatic Fringe, in their Tubular Spectrum series. It's 10/2 cotton in 20 different shades. I'm weaving a scarf for my dear friend Cass, who loves rainbows. It'll be plainweave/tabby, in a color gamp pattern - the colors will go across the scarf following the spectrum, and as I weave I'll change colors the same way. It will be a very cool scarf, and I can't wait to see the results. I'm winding the warp today.

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting project! I searched them out and ordered the Tubular Spectrum Comes To Dinner Kit. How fun! That one looks like a simple kit for a beginner... :)


Sharing my fiber craft, my garden, my cats, and life.