Saturday, December 22, 2007

Day the First

Day the first.

Solstice - a time for starting new things, welcoming back the light.

The blog title? Explained well here. (I'll make this prettier later - just wanted to get things set up and running.) It encompasses my desire for balance, harmony, centeredness - in a world that seems to contain none of those things.

This is a place for musing about fiber - spinning, weaving, knitting - and random bits of nonsense concerning cats and family.

I don't promise to update daily, or even often - this place is for me, though you're very welcome here. Have a seat and a cup of tea. You may put up your feet on the furniture and make yourself comfortable - I hope you're not allergic, because if you sit down and make a lap, it will quickly be filled with a cat or two.

(DebbieB on Ravelry)


  1. Hooray! You have a blog!
    Welcome to the blogosphere!

    ( kitty, kitty!)

  2. This really sounds like my kind of place.
    Thank you!
    I'm stralling the blogland for just a year or so, I never ever imagined I would be whitness to an actual "Birth" of a blog.
    The excitement!!!
    Congratulations, and thanks for having us around.

  3. Oh, yay! You finally did it and started a blog:) I love the beautiful handspun in the photo.... and welcome to blogland!

  4. Welcome to blogland! If the kitties don't mind my dogs, they're welcome to my lap. I look forward to future reads!


Sharing my fiber craft, my garden, my cats, and life.