I got 24 spindles in the mail today. ^_^
Now, before you think I've gone completely over the edge, they're not for me. Let me 'splain.
On Monday afternoon, a guild-friend called me with an urgent spinner-emergency. Her 20-something granddaughter had come to visit for the week, and was scheduled to return to her Oregon home the next morning. She suddenly had the urge to learn to spindle-spin, and my guild-friend only wheel-spins. So I dashed over to her house with the only simple (read: inexpensive) spindle I own, and "asspinerated" the granddaughter. (She was a natural, and got the hang of it quickly.) I was glad to be able to give her the spindle to take back home with her. After all, we know that practice makes muscle memory.
That left me with no inexpensive "give-away" spindles, but an idea. I found an Etsy dealer who makes simple low-priced spindles, and ordered a boxful. They came in today. I'm going to put each one in a ziploc bag with a poof of fiber, and carry one in my purse at all times. Often, when I'm at a guild meeting or a workshop, someone will come up to me and say, "Debbie likes to spindle-spin - she can show you how!" And I
could, and I
did, but I could only demonstrate on my Bosworth or Golding or whatever other precious spindle that I had in my purse that day... until now I didn't have anything to give them to take home.
Back to knitting frantically on a pair of handspun mittens for a coworker whose birthday is tomorrow, as is mine. ;-)